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Pepino’s Seeks Stories to Help Celebrate 62-Year Run of Nick’s Spaghetti House

The GOODS from Pepino’s

Vancouver, BC | Building a home for Pepino in the old Nick’s Spaghetti House haunt has turned out to be a real walk down memory lane for longtime locals of the city. Once the initial shock of Nick’s closing wore off, devotees of the Commercial Drive fixture started crawling out of the woodwork with stories of what the joint meant to them: wistful reports of what exactly they used to (always) order; tales of local celebrities spotted slurping spaghetti; the special and everyday occasions spent dining out at a time when families just didn’t go out for dinner very much.

Often these stories centre around a particular Nick’s-loving friend or family member who introduced them to the ‘red sauce restaurant’, starting a tradition passed down to children and even grandchildren over the eatery’s 62 year run. As an homage to our predecessor and that league of fanatics, we are creating a ‘Wall of Fame’ at Pepino’s to commemorate Nick’s legacy & customers: if you know someone who loved Nick’s, send us a photo and we’ll have a caricature made in their likeness to add to the collection…include a testimonial and we’d love to share it on social media! Share your story with us at [email protected].

All in the name of tradition, community and the love of food.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Neighbourhood: Commercial Drive
631 Commercial Drive

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