The GOODS from Statera Academy
Vancouver, BC | Stay safe and keep learning.
Now that you have mastered your sourdough baking skills, organized your sock drawer, and found a good exercise video, you must be ready for more. Take a WSET class online in wine or spirits with Statera Academy.
We offer online WSET classes in Wine Levels 1-3 and in Spirits Levels 1-2. Continue your wine and spirits education from the comfort of your own home and according to your own schedule.
Many classes start in May. For more information or to register, visit our website at
And let’s make a shout out to our friends working hard at our favorite ‘essential’ bottle shops giving us the opportunity to practice! Thank you for all your efforts!
Statera Academy is an Approved Program Provider for the Wine and Spirits Education Trust (WSET) run by Keith Nicholson in Vancouver.