A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If Chancho Never Ran Out of Its Delicious Carnitas

A 1/4 pound of ‘campechano’ carnitas at Chancho on Seymour St. (just south of Davie St.)

We freakin’ love Chancho, the tiny hole-in-the-wall newcomer at 1206 Seymour Street. An authentic Mexican tortilleria that specializes in carnitas (“little meats” — intensely flavourful pork bits with onion and cilantro for tacos) is something we never knew we needed in Vancouver until we got it. And now that we have it we can’t get enough of it. And that’s a problem.

Chancho closes right in the middle of the city’s dinner rush. The posted hours are Monday through Saturday from 11:30am to “when we run out of food — usually around 7pm”.  If you’ve ever been burned by this arrangement, you feel our pain. It’s one thing to run out of dough at 10pm (as per Pizzeria Farina, which operates in a similar, supply-shrugs-demand fashion), but running out of this delicious stuff at 5:30pm is grounds for crestfallen tears when it’s the thing you’ve been looking forward to all day.

Therefore, we appeal to the good people of Chancho to make enough carnitas to get them – and more importantly us – through the hours our city associates with dinner. Hell, make enough to last you (and us) through to midnight! If you haven’t been yet, you need to try it. To avoid disappointment, make sure you order over the phone. I recommend a full pound of the dizzyingly addictive campechano (mixed belly, leg, shoulder meat). It comes with sides of pickled red cabbage, whole pinto beans, two salsas, fresh limes and enough freshly made tortillas to wrap the lot for 2 to 3 hungry people. The cost? Just $39.

Chancho Tortilleria
Neighbourhood: Downtown
560 Davie St.

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