A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had a Massive Floating Housing Project at the Port

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If is a column that advocates for things that either exist in other cities and/or could otherwise serve to improve and celebrate life in our own.

In a city where the cost of land is driving an unprecedented crisis, why not build on the water? Imagine a colourful, mixed-used, housing complex like Amsterdam’s Silodam floating at the foot of Victoria Drive. We’ve already talked about building on golf courses, so why not make use of our bountiful coastline?

The project could include desperately needed below market rate housing, offices, galleries, communal areas, and pubs and would link to the growing Port Town neighbourhood and the aptly-named Yeast Van brewing district. Throw in a beautiful foot bridge and you’ve got an iconic world class development that would open up a new gateway to Vancouver while simultaneously providing innovative and dignified housing to Vancouver’s most marginalized.

The Toronto Star recently asked the same question about their Quayside district, and goes into some depth about the narrow vision of so many public works projects in North America, something Petros Babasikas calls “value engineering”. Vancouver can and will have bold and adventurous housing that doesn’t cater to the 1%.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It was Included on ‘The Wasted “World” Tour’

Copenhagen-based food waste initiative, Eat Wasted, is currently on the road, working with a bunch of cool chefs to feed folks their up-cycled “Bread Waste Pasta” at pop-ups and food festivals in cities around Europe and North America (but not Vancouver?!)

Vancouver (and the World) Would be Cooler If Our Housing Crisis Was Solved Via Video Games

There is nothing special about Vancouver's lack of affordable housing...but what is special about Dublin, Ireland’s housing crisis, is that it's the catalyst and subject matter of a new 16-bit "anti-landlordist" video game, called Mega Dreoilín.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If We Had More Safe Indoor Spaces for Skateboarding

Its vaulted ceilings may have once carried the tenors and altos of Catholic choirboys, but nowadays the acoustics of the abandoned St. Liborius Church have been repurposed to carry the screeches and echoes characteristic of a DIY Skatepark. We think Vancouver would be cooler if we had an all-inclusive indoor community skatepark of our own...

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had Floating Camp Sites in False Creek

Imagine Belgium's Vlot Kamp - essentially eight floating campsites accessed from the shore by canoe - next to Olympic Village.