A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had Floating Camp Sites in False Creek

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If is a column that advocates for things that either exist in other cities and/or could otherwise serve to improve and celebrate life in our own.

Though situated on the edge of a vast wilderness criss-crossed with Forest Service Roads and dotted with Recreation Sites and Provincial Parks, it’s still a tricky thing for Vancouverites – particularly the many thousands that don’t own cars – to spend a night camping. This is why something akin to Belgium’s Vlot Kamp – essentially eight floating campsites accessed from the shore by canoe – appeals to me for the sheltered waters of False Creek between Yaletown and Olympic Village. Ideally, bookings would be set by a weekly in-person lottery instead of a typical reservation system. I’d also like to see each raft equipped with a propane fire pit and a better plumbing solution than “emergency toilets” — but let’s not get too greedy in this fantasy. (In reality, I suspect all the furnishings would quickly be destroyed or stolen, and before summer was through every raft would either be sunk, burned or both.)

There are 6 comments

  1. You might want to check the current water quality reports on False Creek before recommending that.

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