A change of scenery is nice, but sometimes the turnaround is just too short to justify the ferry trip. This weekend, we recommend forgoing the hassle of logistics in favour of a one-stop Vancouver Island brewery tour at The Magnet…
On Saturday, February 10th, beginning at 4pm, the Gastown beer-forward restaurant is doing a special ‘Island Darlings’ tap takeover. With the assistance of their pals at Small Gods Brewing, The Magnet has come up with what they’re calling the “ultimate island beer list”, featuring the full gamut of beer styles from breweries located in Sidney, Victoria, and all the way to the North Island area – you couldn’t possibly physically and pleasurably (or soberly) cover this kind of ground in just one weekend! Besides Small Gods (who have whipped up something special with Brassneck, which guests can get the first taste of at the event), expect to enjoy beers from the likes of: Twin City Brewing Co, Gladstone Brewing Co, Whistle Buoy Brewing, Ile Sauvage Brewing Co., Herald St. Brew Works, and Land & Sea Brewing Co..
There’s one catch: like the ferry, The Magnet will probably fill up quickly…so booking a reservation in advance is highly recommended! Lock in yours by emailing [email protected] this minute!