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Vancouver Would Be Cooler If A Japanese Misting Arch Came To Stanley Park


(via) ARC ZERO NIMBUS is an installation by Australian artist James Tapscott, who was commissioned by the Japan Alps Art Festival in the town of Omachi. It is essentially a ring of mist that turns a small bridge across a river into a truly transportive, almost religious experience (located, as it is, at the entrance to a Buddhist temple). Tapscott says the ring  “…represents the cyclical journey of the water, through all states, down the mountain, and back up again as evaporated mist.” In the day, the mist makes fine rainbows, while night it gets pretty Pink Floyd-ish with LED lights. We see a slightly larger effort working for Vancouverites over the stone bridge at Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park. In the meantime, you can check it out in Omachi until July 30th.

There is 1 comment

  1. The post thumbnail made me think at first I was seeing a portal to hell. IF I wanted one of those I wouldnt need to go to Japan just over to City Hall.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It was Included on ‘The Wasted “World” Tour’

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