You Need To Try This is a running archive of all the awesome drinks and delicious dishes we’ve come across over the course of our professional and private lives.
Have you ever been travelling and had the pleasure of sipping an amazing drink that you’re pretty sure doesn’t exist back home in Vancouver and that kind of bums you out? Of course you have. This happened to me a couple of late nights ago in Ottawa, where I sipped a ‘Scarlet at Night’ cocktail at Riviera, wishing it wasn’t for the last time in a long time. Billed as an Old Fashioned, it’s anchored by Flor De Cana 7-year old rum instead of whisky and made unforgettable with some housemade five spice syrup. The sweet thing is balanced with a little saline solution and bittered up with Angostura and impactful Scrappy’s Cardamom.