We’re a pretty satisfied bunch, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t covetous. Sometimes we see things out there that we just must have. Cool Things We Want is an archive of those earthly desires.
Oh boy, just the thought of curling up in a bed fitted with luxurious French linens sounds awesome! Local bedding company Flax Sleep has got just the stuff to (literally) tuck into now that the night hours are outweighing the day ones. And since we know that these days of sunny good times are numbered and the grey rainy SADD days are fast approaching (overdue, really), there’s really no better investment that comes to mind than a new duvet with a fresh set of sheets in a serene, natural colour like “Cloud” or “Sand”. Bonus: The three Canadian women behind the independent company donate partial proceeds from sales (as well as all returned products) to local charities. The bedding we covet is currently available in sets or separates online and at the upcoming Refresh Market up in Squamish on November 16th & 17th.