A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had A Fleet Of These Citroen Martini Bars


by Treve Ring | Dubbed “The World’s Most Intimate Martini Bar”, the Grey Goose-commissioned camionnette van fits only two guests plus a bartender, whose express role is to create bespoke martinis based on guest tastes. The Citroen H’s exterior displays baguettes made from the same wheat used to create Grey Goose vodka, and a peep hole allows the curious/envious a boo inside at the marble, leather, bronze, etched glass, and deuce of happy imbibers. We’d previously desired something similar with wine (the Union Wine Co. truck in Portland), so why not cocktails?


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Vancouver (and the World) Would be Cooler If Our Housing Crisis Was Solved Via Video Games

There is nothing special about Vancouver's lack of affordable housing...but what is special about Dublin, Ireland’s housing crisis, is that it's the catalyst and subject matter of a new 16-bit "anti-landlordist" video game, called Mega Dreoilín.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If We Had More Safe Indoor Spaces for Skateboarding

Its vaulted ceilings may have once carried the tenors and altos of Catholic choirboys, but nowadays the acoustics of the abandoned St. Liborius Church have been repurposed to carry the screeches and echoes characteristic of a DIY Skatepark. We think Vancouver would be cooler if we had an all-inclusive indoor community skatepark of our own...

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had a Massive Floating Housing Project at the Port

Imagine a colourful, mixed-used, housing complex like Amsterdam's Silodam floating at the foot of Victoria Drive.

Vancouver Would Be Cooler If It Had Floating Camp Sites in False Creek

Imagine Belgium's Vlot Kamp - essentially eight floating campsites accessed from the shore by canoe - next to Olympic Village.