A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

Shopping Local This Holiday Season? ‘Got Craft’ Kicks Off Tomorrow and Has You Covered

Unsure about hitting the mall for holiday shopping this year? We’re totally with you. Good news! The folks behind the Got Craft? markets (long-time champions of small local makers) have gathered some of their best maker-pals together for an online version of their famous winter shopping event. No line up, no crowd, no mall — we love it!

From soap, hair scrunchies and face masks to plant stands, chocolate and kitchen ware, you can fill your online cart with locally made gifts from over 70 vendors and checkout in a single transaction. Items can be shipped to you for a flat fee or you can opt to pick-up curbside (Vancouver only) for free. The Got Craft Holiday Pop-Up kicks off tomorrow (Wednesday, November 25th) and runs through to Sunday, December 6th. | DETAILS

A little inspiration:

Having chocolate on hand is always a good move this time of year. Try a line-up of local chocolates like Melt Confectionary’s Popping Chocolate and their Cinnamon French Toast bar, along with Dark Milk Chocolate and Earl Grey Tea from Kasama, and some plant based Strawberry Mint (also from Melt) and Oat Milk Chocolate (from Living Lotus).

Bring a bit of levity to your tree with irreverent decorations (poutine, Tim Bits, hand sanitizer, Cheese Whiz and instant ramen are all options).

A candle gives off a warm glow of safety and hope – no one will turn down a dose of that right about now.  Perfect for friends and neighbours, but also nice for your own home as well (we like the idea of lighting a Madera ‘Cedar + Smoke’  candle,  playing YouTube camp fire video on a loop while we read a good book on the couch).

Got kids? Petit Architect makes a sweet DIY A-Frame Cabin that is a double whammy of tasteful minimalist design that any adult will appreciate seeing in their home AND an activity that will keep a kid occupied for hours at a time (be sure to add an interior decorating Materials Kit for maximum pleasure).

Not only can you score something thoughtful for everyone on your list, but you can get everything you need to wrap those gifts by shopping the Got Craft selection of wrapping paper, cards and even tape (we’re liking the simplicity of this Pine wrapping paper by Whitney Luu.


Tickets for the 2024 ‘Noir Fest’ at Averill Creek Vineyard Go On Sale This Friday!

Do you really love Pinot Noir? Arguably, the best way to take your relationship up a level is by trying as many variations as possible - and one fun, intimate, and highly recommended way to begin to do just that is by attending this entirely Pinot Noir-centric wine festival, the weekend of June 22nd and 23rd.

BC Seafood Festival Hits Mount Washington June 21st to 23rd

This year’s BC Seafood Festival is not just a series of events; it's a full tribute to the Comox Valley, the powerhouse of British Columbia’s shellfish industry. Plan a whole weekend around it—there’s camping, fresh seafood, stunning views, and great people.

‘Copy Machine Manifestos’ Zine Exhibit Opens at the VAG This Weekend

The milestone exhibition runs May 12th through September 22nd. However, if you want additional “seen it first” bragging rights, plus an excuse to get all spiffied up in your best duds, then take note: VAG is throwing one of their fancy Art Party events this Saturday night (May 11th).

The Narrow Re-Opens After Forced Closure, with 10 Years Less ‘Skank’

Don't worry: I'm happy to report that it's still The Narrow you know and love.