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Big One, The

Welcome to the Vancouver Lexicon. Its purpose is to pin down the patois of the City of Vancouver by recording its toponyms, nicknames, slang terms, personalities, places, and other Van-centric things. Full A-Z here.

Big One, The | seismic event, natural disaster | The earthquake that Vancouver and the Lower Mainland have been waiting (and half-heartedly preparing) for. The fault line responsible for it – known as the Cascadian subduction zone – runs for over 1,000 kms from Vancouver Island to Northern California, so much of the Pacific Northwest coast is in danger, especially from the tsunami(s) that will follow. It will be no minor tremor. The pressure between the Juan de Fuca and North American plates (the former plunging under the latter) has been building for hundreds of years, and it will one day give way, resulting in a devastating 8.5+ megathrust earthquake. Geological records show that these massive seismic events occur every 300-500 years or so. The last Big One along this fault was in 1700…so we’re due. Can’t afford a house now? Just wait…

Usage: “I’m not at all prepared for when The Big One strikes. I have two packets of instant ramen and half a bottle of Chardonnay…”

One of the Most Beloved Players to Ever Wear a Canucks Uniform

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How a Climate Change Event Created a Local 'Cause Célèbre'

"Is Barge Chilling Beach a good first date or nah?"

How Generations of Underaged Partiers Have Avoided Cops and Cover Charges in BC

"On our way up to Jones Lake on Sunday we had to wait for a slow convoy of hungover bush party survivors to pass..."

How Vancouverites Know a Targeted Hit on a Gangster Has Just Gone Down

"Like sunshine after rain and dawn after dark, a report of a burning vehicle usually means a gangster has just been shot at."