Tret Jordan is the Executive Chef at both Homer St. Cafe & Bar in Yaletown and Tableau Bar Bistro in Coal Harbour. Born and raised on a Fraser Valley hobby farm and inducted into the trade by a Swiss legend, he a hard-working, very busy, and accomplished young man of talent with exceptional prospects. We’re glad he took the time out to sit for a Big Interview. Say hello to…
Coffee or tea? Coffee, black
Where were you born and raised? Hobby Farm, Promontory Hill, Chilliwack (Rainbow Country).
Where did you learn to cook? My first cooking job was at Earls while I was going to school at VCC for the culinary arts program.
Name every restaurant you’ve ever worked at: Earls, William Tell, Raincity Grill, Putney Bridge, Claridges, Bacchus, Elixir, Pied de Terre, 1 Lombard, Voya, Whist-Viceroy, Tableau, Homer St. Cafe & Bar.
Describe the food concept at Tableau Bar Bistro in 10 words or less: French bistro classics using west coast ingredients.
Describe the food concept at Homer St. Cafe & Bar in 10 words or less: Rotisserie chicken & meats, locally sourced, elevated comfort food.
The cliché that you overuse? Less is more.
What keeps you up at night? The thought of sleeping through my alarm. Terrifying.
Who took the biggest chance on you? Erwin Doebeli, owner of the William Tell. He took a chance on a punk kid as his apprentice.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Shoe of choice? Chucks.
Your three role models? My parents; David Suzuki; Robert Clarke.
Favourite Vancouver building? Sun Tower.
If you could open a food cart, what would it sell? Creme brûlée and dreams.
The thing that is bad for you that you will never stop eating? French fries and HobNobs.
The Vancouver restaurant you wish was open 24 hours? Via Tevere. Always up for a late night or early morning pie.
Which local restaurant kitchen do you envy the most? Savio Volpe. I like their wood grill and spit.
What’s the one thing about Vancouver’s restaurant scene that you want to see changed the most? The opening of a restaurant: the flock and ogle to all that is new and shiny, followed by the whipping of criticism. Give them time, dammit!
The different career path that you could have gone on? Marine biologist.
Three films you would gladly watch again? Back to the Future; Blade Runner; The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
The Tableau dish that you want every Vancouverite to taste: Mushrooms on toast.
The Homer St. dish that you want every Vancouverite to taste: Maple butter pork belly.
Three favourite dishes in YVR? Ramen at Marutama; Red curry duck at Kin Kao; Dirty burger at Camp Upstairs.
Under what circumstances would you join the army? Nation-wide call to arms to battle the alien invasion that threatens the human race.
Your most regrettable purchase ever? Sea monkeys.
What was the luckiest moment in your life? I got two. Both boys born healthy and happy.
It’s five years ago. You just clocked out. Where to? Gyoza King. This was the TBB [Tableau Bar Bistro] go-to after work. GK!
What was the unluckiest moment in your life? Knife slipping off the rind of reggiano and slicing open my hand. Classic.
What are you the most proud of? My wife and my sons.
What are you the least proud of? Stephen Harper.
The biggest mistake you’ve ever made? Stealing a car and crashing it into a tree. It’s a long story.
The best thing about cooking? This has always slightly changed for me over the years, but it always comes back to the diversity and versatility of the kitchen, its ingredients, and the power of its fire.
The worst thing about cooking? Burning yourself.
The strange talent that you possess? Finding four leaf clovers.
The strange talent that you wish you possessed? Returning the oceans, lakes, and rivers to their original state prior to the industrial revolution. I’m not exactly sure how I’d do that but it would be cool.
What is the one animal that scares you the most? Sharks. The thought of them haunts me when I surf.
If you had a motto, what would it be? The world is your oyster.
Scariest situation you’ve ever been in? Too many beer and on a long board, in the dark, down a long hill, massive speed wobble, not being able to make the bend, heading for a large maple tree, diving off to avoid previously mention tree — I thought I was going to die.
Restaurant trend that needs to die? Kobe beef burgers.
Your favourite curse word? Fuck sakes.
Least favourite word? Discharge.
The Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Stones.
What object of no monetary value will you keep dearly until you die? My Death to The Pixies t-shirt.
The most beautiful place in the world? There really are so many. But no matter where it is as long as there’s a campfire and a sky filled with stars.
Your first memory? Fishing for salmon on Denman Island with my dad and brother.
The first album that made you love music? Baby Beluga in the early years and Dad’s record collection aside, I think the one album that really struck was The Pixies’ Doolittle. It just synergised with the skateboarding, the high school, and the puberty that I was immersed in at the time.
The song that you could listen to on repeat for an hour? That’s a hard one. Bo Diddley: “What Do You Know About Love?” [LISTEN]
The one place that you have the least interest in ever visiting? Fukushima, Japan.
The best way to go, in the very end? With my boots on.
How would you like to be remembered? As a Renaissance man.
Sounds good Tret, keep pushing and going, it sounds like you’re on your way !!! It may be a long journey but just stick to it. I know your parents are very proud of you.
Eldon Unger