by Sean Orr | A monument to a fascist billionaire: Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim stance triggers Vancouver tower backlash. The people saying “just don’t go there” in the comments section of this CBC story are missing the point. Even if you take his name off, he’ll still be making money from it.
But maybe we should leave his name on there to remind ourselves that his no-Muslim immigration idea is totally in line with Canadian history…
But we should see if we can try and ban him from entering Canada anyway.
About time: City of Vancouver formally declares city is on unceded Aboriginal territory. And again, what seems like a collective step-forward to addressing the crimes of colonialism are obliterated by, you guess it, the comments section. Here’s my fave from this Global News feature; “If immigrants do not have built what you see now …al over in North America , these tribes would not have been discovered by anyone on this planet, no one would have known of their existence” [sic]. Thanks George from Florida!
Meanwhile in Winnipeg, police buy $343K armoured vehicle for absolutely no fucking reason.
Meanwhile in Calgary: Leonardo DiCaprio witnesses a ‘terrifying’ sign of climate change in Calgary — a chinook. “We’re not trying to tell DiCaprio there’s no symptoms of climate change happening around us…” No, you’re just trying to rile up dumb Albertan climate change deniers with a bit of click-bait! Glad to see this bullshit non-story didn’t get picked up by Vancouver media. Oh wait…
Throwback Thursday, to 2008: Condo becomes only option for many Vancouver families. An “average two-story house with a double garage sells for just under $650,000 in Vancouver, where the average family income is $59,000 a year, the report said”.
Everyone relax: Update on Le Marche St. George.
Vancouver Cat Cafe opening on December 14th. This is going to make it into the Scout 25, right?
Nardwuar the Human Serviette Suffers Stroke. Let’s hope he can keep on rockin’ in the free world.
Bonus: Grammy nomination puts indigenous artists in the spotlight