With our city now so laughably unaffordable, thousands of Vancouverites are stuck imagining wonderful homes instead of living in them. “Spaced” is a record of our minds wandering the world of architecture and design, up and away from the unrewarding realities of shoebox condos, dark basement suites, and sweet fuck all on Craigslist.
(via) This small structure overlooking a stretch of Australian coast has everything you could want in a small family escape, which is to say a double bed, a couple of bunks, a kitchen and a bathroom – all of which are integrated into and around a central island pod. It also has one hell of a view. Dubbed ‘Moonlight Cabin’ by its designers at Melbourne-based studio Jackson Clement Burrows, the isolated building is wrapped in wood siding interspersed with modular rain/sun screening that allows for adaptive conditions within. But where to put it if we could steal it? As much as the location reminds us of the iconic (but recently destroyed) Checker’s Pavilion in Victoria’s Beacon Hill Park, we imagine it more convincingly somewhere in spectacular desolation on the Sunshine Coast.