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POLL: What Circumstance(s) Led To The Closing Of Lumiere And DB Bistro Moderne?

Within and without the circles I swim in, there seems to be a wide range of opinion as to why Lumiere and DB Bistro are closing. What’s yours?

What caused Lumiere and DB Bistro Moderne to close?

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Thanks! Now consider paying them a final visit. Both restaurants are open for another 13 days…

There are 9 comments

  1. They had some great jazz night dinners at db, but they never had the backing of Rob Feenie’s TV show behind them. Also Rob was EVERYWHERE during that time – really plugging his rooms – and the international media responded by featuring Lumiere in every Vancouver feature.

    When he left, they slipped (was Lumiere ever a contender for best in city after?), and PR efforts were so minimal and concentrated on downtown events whenever Daniel was here.

    Also, didn’t help that while everyone was going casual and lowered prices – ironically following Feenie’s (the restaurant) example – they converted the casual and fun Feenie’s cash cow into a stolid overpriced high-end bistro.

  2. Your poll is incomplete without the following:

    -the food and service did not meet expectations

  3. Most important option of all:
    – They’re located next to Moderne Burger

  4. Sometimes people get into the restaurant business because they love cooking, people and hardwork. Others do it so they can get their pictures taken with hockey players, celeb chefs and politicians. When those opportunities dissapear so does the desire to keep writing cheques.

    Can we call this option 7?

  5. If Coop gets to add an option, then so do I.

    Option 8: Oversaturation of great restaurants in the city.

    This is only a market correction we’re seeing. We’ve developed a massive talent pool that had nowhere to grow but into their own rooms, all of them with their own strengths and shortcomings, but all competitive nonetheless.

    Add a dozen more Keg/Earls/Joeys/Cactus into the market and now everyone is cannibalizing their demographic out of sheer necessity.

    The other shoe hasn’t dropped yet, it’s still quite crowded out there.

  6. What about location? On the Vancouver Sun the Sidoss put the blame on the HST and drinking laws which is totally nonsense…you can’t blame the gvt for everything!
    Of course they had lots of money to bring Boulud to Vancouver but at the end of the day if Boulud is not satisfied with the restaurant and the partnership then he backs out and that’s what he did. I don’t feel sorry for the Sidoos, they should invest their money somewhere else.

  7. The owner’s were in it for only one reason; ego.

    This does not make a successful high-end restaurant.