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Score A Pair Of Free Tickets To Thursday’s “Pecha Kucha”

Pecha Kucha #13 is going down at the Vogue Theater this Thursday (as in the day after tomorrow). This one’s a doozy with a first-rate list of presenters, among them Rebecca Bollwitt (Miss 604), Mark Shieh (Take Root & River Market), Michael Lyon (Laneway Housing Inc.) and Robert Calder (Boompa).

If you’ve never been or heard of it before, it’s pretty cool…

PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

I participated last year (see video above), and though I had more fun in the audience than I did on stage, it was an experience that reminded me how lucky we all are to be living in this town at this time. Vancouver is swarming with creative, fascinating people, and it’s a trip to sit down and listen to them talk.

If that doesn’t grab you, remember that you can drink beer in the theater!

As sponsors of the event, Scout has a pair of free tickets to give away to the first person who says they want them…

There are 8 comments

  1. They’re yours, Sarah. See you out front 15 minutes prior. I look just like the guy that I look just like.


  2. Great example of city all as the villain with the 50th anniversary thing.

    Now, fuck them chains, big up the independants? Well, yeah, totally but sorta…I mean, yeah, as in Im always down to support local businesses and try and spread the word to do the same. Putting food & a real or unique vibe should always be the priority but what if the big boob/short skirt valuing chains give you better service than the often unwelcoming, pretentious vibe of those indies?

    How do I support the indepedants and pass the word on to others if it feels like some of these establishments feel like you gotta be down with them to be there?

    I totally agree we got a great community of restaurants and like you and additionally from following the site, I get totally excited when I hear about new restaurants opening but the staff and service at these non-chains can be so unwelcoming it seems if you’re not one of them. Its funny, i actually saw this post this morning and was going to post my comment but decided to think about it. I then went to a movie and went to what I consider a dope place on Denman but for the 2nd time one of the servers was just a bitch. So i dont care if the big boobed skirt at the chain is being fake, fake is better than not giving a shit and sadly i find that vibe too often at these indies whom I want to support, I want to eat at, I want to tell my friends and beyond about.

    However, I guess the biggest impact one can make is by deciding to spend your money there in the future or not and tipping according to how you perceive the service.

  3. btw, good looking out on the el Guincho vid. Nope, i hadnt seen the vid nor heard of el Guincho but i cant stop listening to that song itself and havent even really watched the vid yet.

    at least with music and movies i guess, you can always have your own private experience with it. the interactive thing can lead you to meeting the nicest/greatest people or not so nice/great.