The Tyee weighs in on the article that sent me into a bit of a tizzy last week: On Hellishly Scary Climate Change Reporting, and How to Do It Better. “Of course, it’s a major problem. But the apathy or acquiescence of the majority of people who are aware and do care is a larger problem. It’s about how we mobilize those people.”
But that’s not really the role of science reporting. David Wallace-Wells doesn’t need to “code things to meet some emotional need of the audience” as one commenter put it. He also doesn’t need to filter it through a leftist socio-political lens, as this Jacobin article contends.
That capitalism is exacerbating climate change is pretty obvious, but its biggest coup is to defer the responsibility to us: Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals. Which is terrifying considering people still don’t even know how to recycle (This is based, anecdotally, on what I see daily in my building alone.Like, someone just threw a plastic bag full of styrofoam in there…wtf?)
While we busy ourselves greening our personal lives, fossil fuel corporations are rendering these efforts irrelevant. The breakdown of carbon emissions since 1988? A hundred companies alone are responsible for an astonishing 71 percent. You tinker with those pens or that panel; they go on torching the planet.
The freedom of these corporations to pollute – and the fixation on a feeble lifestyle response – is no accident. It is the result of an ideological war, waged over the last forty years, against the possibility of collective action. Devastatingly successful, it is not too late to reverse it”.
I don’t think anyone would argue about massive public mobilization to fight the BC wildfires. So why can’t we do so to prevent them? Why are pipelines so divisive? Neoliberalism vis a vis austerity makes us live in the never ending now. Unable to think collectively about the future because we are all concerned about rent and mortgages because the market has been decoupled from wages as we turn to more precarious forms of labour.
And yes, neoliberals, the big babies that they are, are responsible for the wildfires: B.C. burns from scorched earth policies:
Our current conflagration was fueled by a century of bad policy in forestry, suburban sprawl, and carbon-intensive resource development. B.C.’s incoming government has got to fund climate adaptation, fix building codes, implement those indigenous fire safety techniques and leap into the post-carbon economy.
More on that: Forget Smokey the Bear: How First Nation fire wisdom is key to megafire prevention.
Meanwhile, on the Liberal’s last day of government, as while the Tsilhqot’in communities were being evacuated due to raging wildfires, they made the unbelievable move to approve drilling permits for the twice rejected New Prosperity mine. Just fuck right off, Christy Clark.
It makes anything they do as opposition look completely transparent, even while complaining about lack of transparency: BC Liberals file complaint alleging NDP will use public funds for partisan purposes. While still under investigation from the RCMP? Pot meet kettle.
Because it’s 2017: B.C. NDP to usher in gender-balanced cabinet as it ousts Liberal staff.
Nepotism of the day: How Drug Users are the First Line of Defense in the Opioid Crisis. My brother is my hero (Happy Birthday, Jonathan)!
Lawsuit of the week: Property developer fights driving prohibition in court after 10-drink night out at Canucks game. This whole article is amazing, but the following is amazing. I mean, who does this?
After the game, De Cotiis and his unnamed companions went out in search of a lounge or pub, and “eventually settled upon the Roxy,” the petition states. He claims he lined up to buy drinks and ordered four tequila shots, one for him and each of his companions. “Unfortunately, once I paid for these drinks, I looked around and I could not find them,” the petition states. “I decided to drink the four shots and quickly go home.”
Welcome to Vancouver, where a crow makes more than minimum wage: Caws for celebration: Canuck the Crow lands a paying gig at PNE.
Jughead actor confronts busker over delays in ‘Riverdale’ filming. Both of these people are awful.
Bonus: Man snaps photo of iceberg off N.L. with distinctly masculine feature.