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DEFINITIVE RECORDS: The 3 Albums That Anchor The Tastes Of Super Vancouverites

Definitive Records is a new Scout column that asks interesting Vancouverites to pick the three albums that anchor their musical tastes. Today, we hear from the founder of  Raincity Chronicles

Lauryn HillThe Miseducation of Lauryn Hill | LISTEN | “As a young lady growing up in Utah, buying this album was insurance that I’d be able to navigate the world like a normal person. Yes, it was popular, but it introduced me to hip-hop and rap as a genre that was larger than my MTV screen. Not only does Ms. Hill still deliver, it harkens back to the good ol’ days of skits in-between songs and secret tracks.”

Wilco & Billy BraggMermaid Avenue | LISTEN | “Perhaps it was my childhood crush on Buddy Holly, or non-stop exposure to Dylan (Bob) and Bruce (Springsteen), but once introduced I fell head over heels for Wilco. Not only is Mermaid Avenue a beautifully crafted album collection, but it also has an unforgettable story of bringing to life the Woody Guthrie songs that were never recorded in his lifetime.”

GonzalesSolo Piano | LISTEN | “Haunting, romantic, and minimal, this album has not been out of rotation since I got my paws on it in 2004. Chilly Gonzales is one of the best showmen I’ve ever seen (the guy also set a world record for longest solo concert!). Additional points received for being Canadian.”