A no messing around guide to the coolest things to eat, drink and do in Vancouver and beyond. Community. Not clickbait.

On Dangerous Beaches and Politicians Giving Away Our Public Lands to Public Enemies

In his latest read of the local news, Sean Orr finds hate for rail and yacht owners taking poisonous craps.

On Bad Things Getting Worse and Pitched Battles in the War on Science

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr finds opines on an opinion piece and wonders about the soul of our city.

On Mayors Dreaming, Renters Wielding Pitchforks and Sunny Afternoons

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr finds holes in Canadian smugness and a cooling real estate market.

On Economists Saying It’s All Good and Clearing the Homeless From Oppenheimer Park

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr learns of China Creek's anniversary and what it's like in topsy-turvy land.

On Millionaires Amazed by Poverty and Making Every Debate on Rentals Toxic

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr recommends the Dutch Reach and learns of landlords needing house slaves.

On the Staggering Ineptitude of Babies and the Wisdom of Paid Content

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr finds Straight Pride celebration ideas and Surrey parties from 30 years ago.

On Metaphors Writing Themselves and Imagining an End to Vancouver’s Housing Crisis

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr feels for a misjudged seagull and wonders about the price of real estate.

On Developer Incentives and Speeding Up Vancouver’s Revolving Restaurant by 500%

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr finds a juicy rumour and finds gas companies behaving like gas companies.

On Seizing Convertible Corvettes and Doing Whatever it Takes to Banish Airbnb

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr calls out Vancouver drivers and remembers Gassy Jack's sordid history.

On Park Board Bummers, Speculation Tax Whiners and Doing Donuts on the DTES

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr opines about the true nature of time and the end of a short-lived radio station.

On Feral Chicken Revolutions and the Mysterious Theft of Dali’s Golden Egg

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr ponders prisons, looks for stolen goods and wanders a Surrey cul de sac.

On Something Smelling Fishy and All These Damn Poor People Leeching Off the System

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean opines on the closing of the Cambie and letting the homeless sleep in malls.

On Ostrich Heads Stuck in the Sand and Building a Statue of Andy Yan

in his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr finds cops protecting soldiers and the testament of a Tent City.

On Drinking Brad Marchand’s Tears and Trying to Listen to False Creek’s Orcas

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr wishes we could clone Jean Swanson and says bye to a few old white men.

On Bankrupt Journalism and Stupidly Mistaking Vancouver for Hong Kong

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr scolds lit cigarette tossers while letting dumpster fires burn themselves out.

On Rich People Behaving Badly and Scandinavian Solutions to Greed and Incompetence

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr wonders at shaming plastic bags and the people who think money laundering is OK.

On Smuggling Cheese and Vancouver’s Inability to Function Without Money Laundering

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr searches for a lost deer and wonders at the deflation of housing bubbles.

On Chip Wilson’s Erection Problem and Paying Young People Less

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr considers sumo suits and the media not treating climate change as an emergency.

On More Pubs Getting Donnellized and Studying the Benefits of Money Laundering

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr dreams of tunnels under Stanley Park and people who ask to speak to the manager.

On the Ghost of Vision and Vampires Looking to Profit off Vancouver’s Anxieties

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr orders McNuggets and finds former city councillors doing terrible things.

On Gas Companies Being Greedy and Accidentally Getting High at Tim Hortons

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr learns of downward spirals and old dudes whining about skatepark graffiti.

On Being Out of Touch With the Common Voter and a Bad Look for the Transit Police

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr plumbs new NIMBY depths and worries about Vancouver's mascots

On Tech Bros Being the Worst and Seeing Movement in the Living Wage

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr renames all the Skytrain stations and wonders at tax breaks.

On Homeless Rebellions and Raising the Lion’s Gate Bridge to Attract Bigger Cruise Ships

in his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr learns of loaded shotguns and people acting surprised when they find out casinos suck.

On Developers Dangling Free Avocado Toast and Waiting for Our Mad Max Moment

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr learns about life in the gig economy and slumlords getting away with it.

On Chip-Eating Buffoons and 60,000 Drunk Idiots Let Loose Upon Our Streets

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr wonders at the failures of legalisation and quickly tires of Michael Bublé.

On Hashtagging the Housing Collapse and Kings Never Living Like College Kids

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr learns of horror films becoming reality and Canada trying to save the world order.

On Spoiled Brats Bitching About Bugatti Taxes and Poor Old People Begging for Elevators

In his latest read of the news headlines, Sean Orr considers the future of the sea wall and explains his Skytrain spending.