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On Your Radar #326: Pecha Kucha Special On “West Coast Modernism” At The Vogue

The next Pecha Kucha night is coming down the pipe and should be on your radar. It’s a good idea to snag tickets early for this one, because this time around, each presenter will tie their words and images to the theme of West Coast Modernism in architecture. As per usual, each person will show 20 images for 20 seconds and speak over them (going too long at their peril). This gives them 6 minutes and 40 seconds before the lights dim and the next presenter is announced, keeping it concise and episodic with the interest level always topped up. The line-up looks amazing and includes different strokes from architects and designers to community leaders and artists. Bonus: filmmakers Michael Bernard and Gavin Froome will be there! They collaborated to produce this amazing film on Coast Modern architectural style from Los Angeles to Vancouver; from 1922 up to the present (trailer above). Scout is a proud sponsor, so we’ll see you there.

Pecha Kucha Night volume 17 | Thursday, June 23 | 7pm | Vogue Theatre (918 Granville) | $15